
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Saturday, June 26

EH!!?? EH!!?? EH!!??~♥


There's soo much stuff going on!! AHHH!!~ and i thought summer was supposed to be carefree with no worries and just lazying about all day! Guess I was wrong... OH!! so.. It was my birthday this week!!!! YAY!! I went to Phoenix to eat! It was soo good!!
-drool drool- But.. SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!!~ It was worth it though...
I got a nail polish set from my hubby! (Samantha), a planner from Christine, and body spray from Sandra.

Sunday, June 20

The First Week of Summer~♥

AHH!!!~ I can't believe how fast the days go by! It's already been one week since school ended! So.. my weekend recap and hilights!! -BWAHAHAHAHA!-

It was my mom's birthday!!WOOHOO!! -she's so old..- Also my dad bought her cake and flowers which was really unexpected coming from him. :D Overall, it was sweet. The downside was that I had a basketball game that day at 3!!! -WAHHH!!- Of course I couldn't go... T^T.

During the course of this week, I missed 2 basketball games and 3 tryouts! -that's ALOT- I swore to myself I would go to the next one which was on Thursday. Due to my sprained ankle, I had not been excersising much so that took a toll on me when I had to run to school which is more than 1 mile away in less than 30 minutes!!! That was the hilight of my day that day! Never again will I not go a day without doing some sort of exercise.

THE MOST AWESOME PART OF THIS WEEK WAS......... LAKERS WON!!!!!! -woohoo- The whole neightborhood cheered!! Everyone gathered at the pool and had a barbecue party!!! Our family got to meet people that we didn't even know were our neighbors.

Also, that day I had to go buy a copy of the Jane Eyre book for my summer reading. -I already finished though- I'm reading it twice now. So my friends met up and we had "THE READ." That was fun guys! For some apparent reason all I remember are the words "druggist"and "pill-pusher" and the fun we had with the basketball pump! :D

I consider Saturday to be the longest day of my life ever! I woke up at 7 for basketball practice and came to the gym to find out that the doors weren't even open yet. It was horrible because only 7 people came! and one of the was not even a regular!

I got lots of congrats and presents this week!! -YAY- I was adorned and showered with lots of love and presents! THANKS GUYS! You make me feel happy to have been born! It's not my birthday yet... but still!!! THANKS! I don't know if I'm going to throw a sweet 16 birthday party or not though.... Also, birthdays from now on are going to remind me of my day with Sam that day! HAHAHA. -Lady Gaga and Rain-

Lastly, today is FATHER'S DAY!!! I went to church and the priest said to be good to my father so I am. -for today only- :D I've been really good. In fact, I even bought him a bluetooth! HAHA. See what a great daughter I am? -LOL.-

AND I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO JIN & YOU CONCERT!!! T^T... my hopes and dreams are crushed and are flying away...~~~ T^T

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