
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Saturday, July 3


Today I went to go see Eclipse with Sam, Shantel, Vivian, Yvonne, Angel, Stephen, and Gilbert. It was sooo AWESOME!!~ The movie had so many make out scenes and some scenes weren't even in the book!♥♥ Sam and I kept turning our heads away from the screen. The funny part was that we took up almost half of the middle row and all the girls in our group including me kept squealing!! ->///<-

HAHA I loved our Twilight jokes guys!!~ Thanks for making my day!

SC:OMG! Robert Patterson's chest hair is showing!
SS:I guess now we know why his first movie was HARRY (hairy) Potter!

SS:Wanna see my pack? My six-pack!


So basically I spent the whole day at the mall today; though I WAS supposed to be studying. :D

I HATE McD at the mall. They're soo rude and soo not fast-foody. I mean seriously, McD is supposed to be a fast food restaurant yet it takes them 10 minutes to get me a refill for my iced tea. T^T

The hilight of my day was that we did a scavenger hunt at the mall! :D It was boys vs. girls and the penalty was to do the chickend dance in front of the food court!

List of things we had to find:

  • sunglasses
  • bra(40D)
  • leg warmers
  • mannequin wearing a bikini
  • twilight book
  • fat guy
  • white guy
  • bed
  • pony ride
  • war for two (game)

Obviously the girls won....but the guys were sore losers... -LOL-

So.. everyone decided to go home at about 4 because Sam and Stephen had to leave early. So while we were waiting for our rides, we looked around Claire's. they had a lot of neat stuff. I don't really like going to Claire's but today made me HATE it. So at first, we were just hanging around and trying on sunglasses. Of course, we were going to buy stuff too because it would be rude not to after we touched and looked at EVERY SINGLE THING we could get our hands on. -Shantel bought a Taylor Lautner poster! >///<- Anyways, we were all leaving the store when this worker comes up to Shantel and says "I SAW YOU SNATCH A NECKLACE FROM THE TAG!" At that moment everyone -except Sam and Stephen, because they weren't there..- turns to look at the woman. She was the rudest person I ever met! So.. obviously, Shantel didn't steal a necklace... I mean she even bought something from that store! So.. we were all like, NO WAY! BUT.. that lady was like, "I SAW -emphasis on SAW- you snatch the necklace into one of your bags!" Shantel retaliated by dumping everything she had out of her bags and still that lady thought Shantel stole it. she even called two police or security over! I'm like WTF! The lady wasn't even asking in a nice way she was ACCUSING Shantel of having stolen it. Normally, one would say "Oh! I think there's been a mistake and we need to check your bags." But this lady was like, "Let me see your bags... what's in that bag... let me check your pockets.." UGH..!! She makes me soo mad! Afterwards she took Shantel away from us and when she came back we asked Shantel what the lady talked to her about. Shantel said that the lady asked if any of US stole it! So now everyone was in a bad mood because that lady accused US too! Now, it was personal! So anyways, the lady let Shantel go without even an apology so Vivian called her dad and told her EVEYTHING! When her dad came to pick her up, he was SCORCHING MAD! We took him to the store and confronted that lady about the incident. Let me just say one thing that lady is a liar! She put on her falsetto voice -the one everyone uses when trying to act innocent- and denied accusing Shantel of stealing. When I say this I mean that she said,"Oh! NO! I just asked her if she stole it and if she dropped it anywhere because she was looking at it before..." F*** that! -sorry Vivian is rubbing off on me..- She definitely was like "YOU TOOK THE NECKLACE!" and whatnot. Anyways, we got her to apologize and left but I still hate her! NEVER GOING THERE AGAIN!

So.. now I'm at home and I'm still blazing over the incident and now I'm thinking about what to eat for dinner. :D

Wednesday, June 30


OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!! So.. much has happened since the last time I wrote!! HAHAHA I don't know where to start!! OH!! OMG!! Korea made it to the elite 8 but then lost!!!! WHY!!?? T^T
It's okay I'm still rooting for them! GO TAEGUK WARRIORS!!! Oh! and earlier on Samantha told me that Japan's game was EPIC!!~ :D

I really can't remember much because I'm writing this like after 3 whole days have passed... for those who don't know I have short term memory loss so it's really hard!! HAHA. -When I try to remember things... a crab pops into my head..- Oh! and Sam said that my head is constipated. That was funny! :D

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