
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Saturday, June 12


OMG!!! I stayed up the whole night!!! -SOO TIRING!!!- but it was worth it!!!! I saw the match between Korea and Greece!!!! It was awesome!!! 2:0 woohoo!! I thought we were going to wake the neighbors up cheering that loudly at night!!! GOO KOREA!!!!

Friday, June 11

Last Day of School~♥

AH! I was soo tired that I forgot to write yesterday!! HAHAHA
SO it was the last day of the school year yesterday!!! YESH!!~ but it dosn't feel like it AT ALL!! So.. it was a really sad day because all the seniors were leaving and graduationg!!!
-T^T BOOHOO!!~- and.. so.. during graduation I was selling water bottles for basketballs and cried when all the seniors walked by...and it made me think how I want to hurry up and graduate. -LOL.- I'm soo sick of school!!~ HAHAHA. So afterwards, I went to the mall with my friends today!!! -YAY!!- We saw Letters to Juliet! It was a romantic comedy! At first it seemed really boring but at the end we were just like OMG! THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!! HAHAHA. So, that was yesterday, -BLEH!- and today... I was supposed to go to the movies and watch Prince of Persia but I couldn't find my phone!! T^T so I couldn't go!!!! So... the whole day I did nothing except watch tv and excersise for 2 hours! HAHAHA. Which reminds me AHHH!!! SUMMER BREAK STARTED TODAY!! HAHAHAHA ...yet I want to go back to school already... it's soo boring at home.. I think I'm going to die out of boredom!!~ Someone save me!!! T^T.

Wednesday, June 9

The Day Before the Last Day of School!~♥

YAY!! took the chem final today!! It was easier than I thought! It also helped that I actually studied everything the night before -this morning- hahahahaha!! But third period was cool today because the whole class spent it in the library. I learned how to play egyptian war!! YAY!! My reaction time is REALLY SLOW though.. T^T I couldn't tap a single time.

TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! OMG!! so excited.. hehehehe but there's still one more final to take!! -Bleh!- It's pre-caluculus and it's the class that I hate the most!!! I'm failing that class sooo badly!! I'm probably going to take it again next year...

OH!!! so again.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAHNDOO AND LILAY-MON!!!~ I love you guys!!! LOL.

A New Day~♥

AGHHH!! It's 3:12 in the morning and I'm still studying -cramming- for my chem finals!!!
-T^T- On the bright side though... It's LILAY-MON and MAHNDOO'S birthdays today!! YAY!! I love you guys!! They're soo awesome!! So.. today which was yesterday, was a REALLY BAD day.. -UGH!- I had my spanish finals and I FAILED it! It's mostly because I was studying -cramming- the night before like always and fell asleep on the day of the testing. T^T I hate myself! Also, -ramal- wouldn't clarify his tests for english!! -BLEH!- Time to start reading Jane Eyre....which I finished by the way!! :D YESH!!~ On the bright side the basketball team went swimming today for seventh period final!! SWIMMING FOR TWO HOURS!!! -woohoo- that was awesome! -...even though i didn't swim..- HAHAHA! Well... I pray that everyone will do well on their finals!! :D

Monday, June 7

Starting of a Blog..♥

Hmmm... so I started a blog!
I think it's pretty awesome soo far but some things still worry me.-stalkers- :D
To start off, I feel pretty excited~~ HOHOHO. So bear with me as I continue on with my rant of RANDOMNESS.

So.. it's finals week this week!! -Ugh.- It's such a drag. The only good thing about it is that school ends early!! YES! and June 10th is the last day of school! -WOOHOO.- I have to study for espanol and EnGlIsH. -Bleh.-

Oh! so.. today which was yesterday because it's now friends made cupcakes for me!! :D That was really sweet of them! I LOVE THEM SOO MUCH!! It was my early birthday present!! :D I couldn't ask for better friends!

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