
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Thursday, January 26

"No oyes ladrar los perros" by Juan Rulfo (eng translation)

English translation of "No oyes ladrar los perros" by Juan Rulfo.

-Hey you up there, Ignacio, tell me if you can not hear a signal of something or see some light somewhere.

-Nothing can be seen

-We should be close already

-Yes, but nothing can be heard

-Look well

-I can't see anything

-Poor you, Ignacio

The long dark shadow of the men continued moving up and down, tripping over the rocks, shrinking and growing according to the shore of the river. It was a solo shadow, wobbling.

The moon came over the earth, like a round blaze of fire.

-We should be arriving at that town, Ignacio. You who have ears free to hear, look and see if you can hear the barking of the dogs. Keep in mind that that will tell us Tonaya is just around the mountain. and it has been hours since we left the mountain. Remember that, Ignacio.

-Yes, but I don't see a sign of anything.

-I am tired.

-Put me down.

The old man walked backwards until he reached a wall and he rearranged his load there, without releasing it from his shoulders. Although his legs were buckling, he did not want to sit down, because afterwards he would be unable to lift the body of his son, since back there, hours before, they [the villagers] had helped him load him on his back. And this is how he was carried since then.

-How do you feel?


They spoke little. Each time less. At times he seemed to be sleeping. At times he seemed to be cold. Trembling. He knew when the trembling would seize his son because of the jerks he felt, and because his son would dig his feet into his loins like spurs. Later the hands of his son, locked around his neck, shook his vigorously like a rattle. He gritted his teeth so that he would not bite his tongue, and when his son finished he would ask:

-Does it hurt a lot?

-Somewhat- his son answered.

At first his son had said: "Let me down here... put me down here... go on alone. I will catch up to you tomorrow or whenever I recover a bit." He had said this like fifty times. But no he never said that.

There was the moon. In front of them. A big and colored moon that filled their eyes with light and that stretched and obscured more their shadow over the earth.

-I can't see where I'm going- he said.

but no one answered him.

The other was sitting up there, completely illuminated by the moon, with his pale face, without blood, reflecting the opaque light. And he was below.

-Did you hear me, Ignacio? I'm telling you that you aren't looking well.

The other remained silent.

He continued walking, stumbling. He slouched his body and later straightened to return to stumbling again.

-This is not a road. They told us that behind the hill was Tonaya. We have already passed the hill. And Tonaya can not be seen, nor is any noise letting us know that we are close to it. Why do you not want to tell me what you see? You up there, Ignacio?

-Put me down, father.

-You feel bad?


-I will take you to Tonaya no matter what. There I will find someone to care for you. they said there was a doctor there. I will take you to him. I have carried you for hours and I am not going to leave you thrown aside here so that you die.

He trembled a bit. He walked a few steps sideways and returned to straightening up.

-I will take you to Tonata.

-Put me down.

His voice became soft, he barely whispered:

-I want to rest a bit.

-Sleep up there. After all, I have a good grip on you.

The moon continued rising, almost blue, into the clear sky. The face of the old man, wet with sweat, was filled by the moon. He hid his eyes to block what was in front of him since he couldn't bend his head held tightly by the hands of his son.

-All that I do, I don't do it for you. I do it for your deceased mother. Because you were her son. That's why I do this. She would reprimand me if I left you there, where I found you, and I would not have picked you up to take you to be cured, as I am doing. It is her that has given me courage, not you. Firstly, because to you I do not owe anything more that difficulties, absolute mortification, absolute shame. He sweated to talk . But the night wind dried the sweat. And over the dry sweat, he began to sweat again.

-I will break my back, but I will carry to you Tonaya, so that they [the doctors of Tonaya] cure the wound they have done to you. [the "they" refers to the bad people that injured the son.] And I am sure that when you feel better, you will return to your evil ways. This is not what is important to me. As long as you go far away, where I will not have to know anything about you. Provided that happens...Because to me you are already not my son. I have cursed the blood that you got from me. My part is cursed. I have said: "May the blood that I gave you rot in your kidneys!" I said that whenever I found out that you were wandering the streets, living by robbery and killing people...good people. And if you don't believe me, there is my friend Tranquilino. He baptized you. He gave you your name. He also received bad luck from knowing you. Since then I have said: " This could not be my son."

-Look to see if you can see something. Or if you hear anything.. You that can do that from up there, because I am already deaf.

-I see nothing

-Worse for you, Ignacio.

-I'm thirsty

-Hold on! We are already close. What's happening is that it is night and they have turned off the lights in the town. But at least you should hear if the dogs are barking. Try to hear.

-Give me water.

-There is no water. There is nothing but stones. Hold on. And even if there was, I wouldn't let you down to drink water. No one could help me to lift you up again, and I alone can not.

-I am very thirsty and very tired

-That reminds me of when you were born. That is how you were then. You awoke hungry and ate to fall asleep again. And your mother gave you water because you were already finished with her milk. You couldn't be filled. And you were very rabid. I never thought that in time I would get so enraged at you... But that is what happened. Your mother, rest in peace, wanted you to grow strong. She believed that you would support her when you grew up. She didn't have anything but you. The other son had to go and kill her. [She died in childbirth of her second son.] You would have killed her again anyways if she had seen you at this point.

He felt that the man carried on his shoulders had stopped tightening his knees and had begun to loosen his geet, balancing them on one side or the other. And it seemed that the head, up there, was sweating as if it was sobbing. On his hair he felt big drops fall, like tears.

-Are you crying, Ignacio? It makes you cry to remember your mother, right? But you never did anything for her. You only repaid up badly. It seems that instead of care, we gave you nothing but wickedness. And look. Now they wounded you. What happened to your friends? They killed them all. But they [your friends] had no one. They could well have said: "W have no one to whom we can give our pain." But you, Ignacio? [Ignacio had parents who still cared for him although the same could not be said of his friends. Thus the father asks what Ignacio's excuse is for turning into a bad person.]

There was the town. The roofs shone brightly under the light of the moon. He had the impression that he was being crushed by the weight of his son when the back of his knees bent in his final efforts to reach the town. Upon arriving at the first building, he rested briefly on the railing around it and let go of the limp body, as if it had been disjointed. He unclasped with difficulty the fingers with which his son had been holding onto his neck and upon being free, heard on all sides, the barking of dogs. [The father's ears were covered by the son's hands.]

-You didn't hear that, Ignacio?- he said -You didn't even help me with this hope. [You were bad your whole life and even at the end, couldn't tell me that you heard the dogs barking?]

Sunday, August 15


Okay this is another update post... sorry I haven't been posting lately.... The last time I posted was the last day of July!!! -LOL.- It's already the 15th of August now.... That's like two weeks!!! -Bleh..- So, August was a busy month for me. I had the linkcrew training, the freshmen orientation, the (my) orientation, the back to school shoppings, the last-minute crammings, and the last-minute plannings for the last few days of my summer break!

Link crew training was sleepy and tiring but filled with tons of fun and laughter! Many familiar faces were there and we were all excited to meet our incoming freshmen buddies on freshmen orientation day. The training was only for two days but we woke up bright and early at 7 and trained until 12 each day. We also got cool torquoise linkcrew t-shirts!

Freshmen orientation was the BEST! I love my freshmen buddies. They were very cooperative and patient with me during the times we had to wait in line and also when we did our fun-filled activities! Thanks guys!♥

My orientation came two days afterwards and I was soo psyched! I got most of the classes that I wanted! -YES~- I'm almost a junior now!! I say almost because the school year hasn't technically started yet.. :D I got all my books and IB Physics got me 3 huge textbooks!!! -Sooo heavy!!~- It was still fun! I got to meet many of my friends who I have not seen the whole summer!

So.. textbooks mean that I now have to go through ALL of them and read and review them before school starts... ugh.. asian parents...So for the last remaining days of summer I have been studying for the SAT and reading through my textbooks...

With school almost starting, I had to get everything ready and help my sister, who is going on to Jr.high, with the process. We went back to school shopping together and bought many things that are not essential to back to school day! :D

With summer almost closing in, my friends and I crammed the remaining few days of summer with lots of activities. We watched movies, went shopping, went to Hungtington Beach, had a cookout, went to Knott's Berry Farm, and went ice-skating.

Currently, I'm really excited for school to start!! I'm going to become a junior!! :D

Saturday, July 31


It's been one week since I've posted!!
Okay so, it was my cousin's wedding today!!!
They had they're wedding in downtown koreatown LA at the Oxford Hotel!!!
It was nice! XD
It was sad how there was no one at the bride's side of the table. Everyone one left after the wedding....
So, afterwards, I went to the Korean plaza where I saw a korean version of Twilight!!

-HAHAHAHA- There was also this CD store with piano sheet music of BIG BANG's songs!!! AGGHHH!! I wanted it soo much!!! BUT.. no money.. T^T OKANE GA NAI!!!~
Then, I went to the GROVE!!!! It was sooo cool!!!
-Oh! FYI Sandra Son was there with me!! Totally forgot to include her on this awesome day!- So, anyways, we went together and there was a red carpet in the parking lot for celebrities!! -HEHEHE I fantasized myself walking on the red carpet..- Anyways, they had this trolley that went through the grove and the abercrombie and nordstrom stores were 3 stories tall!!! I was shocked!!! Flabbergasted to be more exact... The fun part was that there was this hot guy model in front of the abercrombie store and everyone took pictures of him posing. LOL. The thing that I hated about the abercrombie store was that they sprayed a lot of perfume in there so I was suffocating while looking through the clothings. I walked around the whole day with a dress and high heels on... My feet were sore the whole day!!! At the end of the day, Sandra and her family came over to my house for dinner and we ate cold noodles!! -YUM!!~-
It was fun to experience grove but the items were soooo expensive that I doubt I'll ever buy anything from there...

Friday, July 23


As anyone who has ever know me knows.. I am a HUGE gackt fanatic!!! ♥ -Actually, I'm a fanatic of a lot of other people... but let's talk about Gackt for now....- So.. basically, Gackt and his weird ways have inspired me to follow his "Gackt" diet. It consists of everything besides carbs. :D So, that's what I'm doing... eating eveything that does not have carbs.. It's soo hard though!!!
So.. the reason I'm doing this is because.........

WARNING: You are entering flashback mode....BEWARE

(last month)
Mom: OMG!!! You're cousin is getting married!!!
Me: -spit take- WHAT!!!? But the other one married just last month!
Mom: I know!!! They grow up soo fast! Well, anyways, we have to go out and buy dresses.
Me: ARRGGHHH!!!! I'm not going to wear a dress like this! I NEED TO EXERCISE! LOSE WEIGHT!

WARNING: You are now leaving flashback mode......
CAUTION: You may feel slightly dizzy, hungry, loony, crazy, potatoy, crunchy, chewy and experience an increase and decrease in blood pressure, bloatedness, sea-sickness, nauseousness, crampish, feverish, and janeish..

So.. that's what happened....So I'm eating everything but carbs and DANCING!!!!
Yeah I have a thing for dancing recently..... if you ever go to the market and see someone dancing to the song over the intercom while shopping, that's ME!

Wednesday, July 21


HAHAHA!!! So.. I was prohibited from playing on the computer for four days straight!!! -gasp- Yes, I know.. so sad... Anyways, my hoggy parents hogged the computer for the last four days so I wasn't able to post and basically forgot everything that happened in those four days except today and yesterday!! :D

So.. yesterday was my mom's off-day!! -YAY!!!- I went out to go eat Nicko Nicko Sushi & Roll. It was really good!! -I took pictures to post them but sadly, I don't know how to post them on my blog...- The prices are really good considering the great quality and quantity of food. :DDDDD

Also, today I went to go eat at Asia Buffet for lunch. Chiristine's family took me and I brought along my sister. :D It was my first time at Asia Buffet and everything was sooo COOL!!~
They had the mongolian BBQ thing in the buffet. Also, there was tapioca pudding, pastries, sushi, and lots of fried food!!!
-HEHEHEHE- I ate an equivalent of one weeks worth of food there! :D

Sunday, July 18


Two weeks have past since I last posted.. that's a lot of time.
To tell the truth, I was going to post earlier but I got too lazy and tired...
So this is going to be a quick summary of what happened these past two weeks...
-I'm supposed to be studying now.. so it'll be really REALLY QUICK-

On the 13th, Christine came over to my house to swim. It was fun and she got to eat our homecooking! :D The bad thing was that she kicked a 5th or 6th grader in the stomach while in the pool because he called her a re**** and some other deragatory words... Other than that, we looked through some o-bento pictures and decided to make some the next day.

The next day, the 14th, Christine came over at 6 and we got started on making our o-bento boxes. We went to the supermarket to buy ingredients in the heat, got almost run over by cars everywhere we went,
-Christine is car prone- and walked to Christine's house to get some extra ingredients. We spent four hours making our o-bento boxes with the neighbor's daughter and my sister.

The 15th I woke up at 9 and went to the library to study. Around 12 I went to school to give my awesomely disgusting and messed up box lunch to my hubby! Samantha Shan!
-I made the rice into her favorite anime character totoro- She accepted it gratefully even though it was really messed up! I LOVE YOU! Also, there was THE READ that day which was fun because my foot kept on making farting noises when ever I slid it against the floor. Also, we didn't actually "read," we spent the whole day watching Lady In the Water. We thought it was a horror film and the trailer was really scary but it turned out to be romantic? -Can't find the words to describe it..-

And.. today, I went to church and saw choir people that came from Seoul University in Korea. -Apparently the best university in korea...- and I'm really tired and my stomach is hurting. T^T. It's been hurting the whole day!

OH!! OH!! OH!! I am addicted to zOMG!!! and korean boy bands!!!! -squeal >//<-

Friday, July 9

Becoming A Studious Person~♥

Ugh.. so basically this week took quite a toll on me. My stress level went up like 20%. I got my AP test scores back which were horrible, I got fatter not going to basketball practices or games, and my friends are tempting me to go hang out with them when they know I can't... T^T

So.. lately I'm obsessed with studying. I thank Kiran and Sandra. They are my study idols. They're really smart but too modest to admit it.
Ugh... so I'm dedicating myself to study and seeing my AP test scores just made me more motivated.
-depressed- So.. just last week I bought some SAT prep books and a box of flash vocabulary cards. Also, I'm still going to my tutoring at Jones so lately I have a lot of studying to do. The problem is that it's summer and a bunch of my friends are not helping me but preventing me studying. It's summer, I know, but I don't have all summer to play around. T^T -though I wish i did...- Just last week, I went to see two movies and this week they are telling me to go to the spa and watch another movie with them! I love you guys but seriously, I need to study!!!!! -SORRY GUYS!!-

So.. that was basically EVERYTHING that happened since the last time I posted. My life is very uniteresting these days because I'm normally just cooped up at home.

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