
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Monday, June 7

Starting of a Blog..♥

Hmmm... so I started a blog!
I think it's pretty awesome soo far but some things still worry me.-stalkers- :D
To start off, I feel pretty excited~~ HOHOHO. So bear with me as I continue on with my rant of RANDOMNESS.

So.. it's finals week this week!! -Ugh.- It's such a drag. The only good thing about it is that school ends early!! YES! and June 10th is the last day of school! -WOOHOO.- I have to study for espanol and EnGlIsH. -Bleh.-

Oh! so.. today which was yesterday because it's now friends made cupcakes for me!! :D That was really sweet of them! I LOVE THEM SOO MUCH!! It was my early birthday present!! :D I couldn't ask for better friends!

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