
Welcome! I hope you have much fun in reading these blogs as I have when writing them. :D

Sunday, August 15


Okay this is another update post... sorry I haven't been posting lately.... The last time I posted was the last day of July!!! -LOL.- It's already the 15th of August now.... That's like two weeks!!! -Bleh..- So, August was a busy month for me. I had the linkcrew training, the freshmen orientation, the (my) orientation, the back to school shoppings, the last-minute crammings, and the last-minute plannings for the last few days of my summer break!

Link crew training was sleepy and tiring but filled with tons of fun and laughter! Many familiar faces were there and we were all excited to meet our incoming freshmen buddies on freshmen orientation day. The training was only for two days but we woke up bright and early at 7 and trained until 12 each day. We also got cool torquoise linkcrew t-shirts!

Freshmen orientation was the BEST! I love my freshmen buddies. They were very cooperative and patient with me during the times we had to wait in line and also when we did our fun-filled activities! Thanks guys!♥

My orientation came two days afterwards and I was soo psyched! I got most of the classes that I wanted! -YES~- I'm almost a junior now!! I say almost because the school year hasn't technically started yet.. :D I got all my books and IB Physics got me 3 huge textbooks!!! -Sooo heavy!!~- It was still fun! I got to meet many of my friends who I have not seen the whole summer!

So.. textbooks mean that I now have to go through ALL of them and read and review them before school starts... ugh.. asian parents...So for the last remaining days of summer I have been studying for the SAT and reading through my textbooks...

With school almost starting, I had to get everything ready and help my sister, who is going on to Jr.high, with the process. We went back to school shopping together and bought many things that are not essential to back to school day! :D

With summer almost closing in, my friends and I crammed the remaining few days of summer with lots of activities. We watched movies, went shopping, went to Hungtington Beach, had a cookout, went to Knott's Berry Farm, and went ice-skating.

Currently, I'm really excited for school to start!! I'm going to become a junior!! :D

Saturday, July 31


It's been one week since I've posted!!
Okay so, it was my cousin's wedding today!!!
They had they're wedding in downtown koreatown LA at the Oxford Hotel!!!
It was nice! XD
It was sad how there was no one at the bride's side of the table. Everyone one left after the wedding....
So, afterwards, I went to the Korean plaza where I saw a korean version of Twilight!!

-HAHAHAHA- There was also this CD store with piano sheet music of BIG BANG's songs!!! AGGHHH!! I wanted it soo much!!! BUT.. no money.. T^T OKANE GA NAI!!!~
Then, I went to the GROVE!!!! It was sooo cool!!!
-Oh! FYI Sandra Son was there with me!! Totally forgot to include her on this awesome day!- So, anyways, we went together and there was a red carpet in the parking lot for celebrities!! -HEHEHE I fantasized myself walking on the red carpet..- Anyways, they had this trolley that went through the grove and the abercrombie and nordstrom stores were 3 stories tall!!! I was shocked!!! Flabbergasted to be more exact... The fun part was that there was this hot guy model in front of the abercrombie store and everyone took pictures of him posing. LOL. The thing that I hated about the abercrombie store was that they sprayed a lot of perfume in there so I was suffocating while looking through the clothings. I walked around the whole day with a dress and high heels on... My feet were sore the whole day!!! At the end of the day, Sandra and her family came over to my house for dinner and we ate cold noodles!! -YUM!!~-
It was fun to experience grove but the items were soooo expensive that I doubt I'll ever buy anything from there...

Friday, July 23


As anyone who has ever know me knows.. I am a HUGE gackt fanatic!!! ♥ -Actually, I'm a fanatic of a lot of other people... but let's talk about Gackt for now....- So.. basically, Gackt and his weird ways have inspired me to follow his "Gackt" diet. It consists of everything besides carbs. :D So, that's what I'm doing... eating eveything that does not have carbs.. It's soo hard though!!!
So.. the reason I'm doing this is because.........

WARNING: You are entering flashback mode....BEWARE

(last month)
Mom: OMG!!! You're cousin is getting married!!!
Me: -spit take- WHAT!!!? But the other one married just last month!
Mom: I know!!! They grow up soo fast! Well, anyways, we have to go out and buy dresses.
Me: ARRGGHHH!!!! I'm not going to wear a dress like this! I NEED TO EXERCISE! LOSE WEIGHT!

WARNING: You are now leaving flashback mode......
CAUTION: You may feel slightly dizzy, hungry, loony, crazy, potatoy, crunchy, chewy and experience an increase and decrease in blood pressure, bloatedness, sea-sickness, nauseousness, crampish, feverish, and janeish..

So.. that's what happened....So I'm eating everything but carbs and DANCING!!!!
Yeah I have a thing for dancing recently..... if you ever go to the market and see someone dancing to the song over the intercom while shopping, that's ME!

Wednesday, July 21


HAHAHA!!! So.. I was prohibited from playing on the computer for four days straight!!! -gasp- Yes, I know.. so sad... Anyways, my hoggy parents hogged the computer for the last four days so I wasn't able to post and basically forgot everything that happened in those four days except today and yesterday!! :D

So.. yesterday was my mom's off-day!! -YAY!!!- I went out to go eat Nicko Nicko Sushi & Roll. It was really good!! -I took pictures to post them but sadly, I don't know how to post them on my blog...- The prices are really good considering the great quality and quantity of food. :DDDDD

Also, today I went to go eat at Asia Buffet for lunch. Chiristine's family took me and I brought along my sister. :D It was my first time at Asia Buffet and everything was sooo COOL!!~
They had the mongolian BBQ thing in the buffet. Also, there was tapioca pudding, pastries, sushi, and lots of fried food!!!
-HEHEHEHE- I ate an equivalent of one weeks worth of food there! :D

Sunday, July 18


Two weeks have past since I last posted.. that's a lot of time.
To tell the truth, I was going to post earlier but I got too lazy and tired...
So this is going to be a quick summary of what happened these past two weeks...
-I'm supposed to be studying now.. so it'll be really REALLY QUICK-

On the 13th, Christine came over to my house to swim. It was fun and she got to eat our homecooking! :D The bad thing was that she kicked a 5th or 6th grader in the stomach while in the pool because he called her a re**** and some other deragatory words... Other than that, we looked through some o-bento pictures and decided to make some the next day.

The next day, the 14th, Christine came over at 6 and we got started on making our o-bento boxes. We went to the supermarket to buy ingredients in the heat, got almost run over by cars everywhere we went,
-Christine is car prone- and walked to Christine's house to get some extra ingredients. We spent four hours making our o-bento boxes with the neighbor's daughter and my sister.

The 15th I woke up at 9 and went to the library to study. Around 12 I went to school to give my awesomely disgusting and messed up box lunch to my hubby! Samantha Shan!
-I made the rice into her favorite anime character totoro- She accepted it gratefully even though it was really messed up! I LOVE YOU! Also, there was THE READ that day which was fun because my foot kept on making farting noises when ever I slid it against the floor. Also, we didn't actually "read," we spent the whole day watching Lady In the Water. We thought it was a horror film and the trailer was really scary but it turned out to be romantic? -Can't find the words to describe it..-

And.. today, I went to church and saw choir people that came from Seoul University in Korea. -Apparently the best university in korea...- and I'm really tired and my stomach is hurting. T^T. It's been hurting the whole day!

OH!! OH!! OH!! I am addicted to zOMG!!! and korean boy bands!!!! -squeal >//<-

Friday, July 9

Becoming A Studious Person~♥

Ugh.. so basically this week took quite a toll on me. My stress level went up like 20%. I got my AP test scores back which were horrible, I got fatter not going to basketball practices or games, and my friends are tempting me to go hang out with them when they know I can't... T^T

So.. lately I'm obsessed with studying. I thank Kiran and Sandra. They are my study idols. They're really smart but too modest to admit it.
Ugh... so I'm dedicating myself to study and seeing my AP test scores just made me more motivated.
-depressed- So.. just last week I bought some SAT prep books and a box of flash vocabulary cards. Also, I'm still going to my tutoring at Jones so lately I have a lot of studying to do. The problem is that it's summer and a bunch of my friends are not helping me but preventing me studying. It's summer, I know, but I don't have all summer to play around. T^T -though I wish i did...- Just last week, I went to see two movies and this week they are telling me to go to the spa and watch another movie with them! I love you guys but seriously, I need to study!!!!! -SORRY GUYS!!-

So.. that was basically EVERYTHING that happened since the last time I posted. My life is very uniteresting these days because I'm normally just cooped up at home.

Monday, July 5

Sleep Over~♥

YAY!!! so I stayed over at my friend Sandra's house for another night!!~
It was sooo awkward today though because Sandra was not at home for a period of time and all her friends came over!! :D It was awkward because I didn't know what to talk about with them!!
AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!««« that was me inside when I first saw them but on the outside I was like.. Oh.. yeah.. hey... :D
I feel bad though because I feel like I wasn't able to be FUN for them.. AGGHH!! I'm just not used to being around those that I'm not close with!! o.O -I'M SORRY!!-
So.. we played card games, guitar hero, and surfed the web!! It :D

Okay.. so.. I made alfredo with Sandra when she came home!! YAY!!! Actually, we -her mom and I and my sister- went to pick her up and went shopping.. but anyways, we made alfredo!! IT TASTED AWESOME!! So around night, we played twister, monopoly, and watched legally blonde 1 and 2. Here are the most memorable quotes that I remember:

WH: You got into Harvard?!
EW: What? Like, it's hard?

EW:Bend and snap!

Emmet:Did you take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Enrique S:Yes
ES: A restaurant in Concord where no one could recognize us.
E:How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham?
ES:Three months
E:..And your boyfriend's name is..
ES:Chuck................Pardon me, pardone me. I thought you said friend, Chuck is just a friend.
Chuck: You b****

I love legally blonde!

So anyways.. we went to sleep around 2 or 3-ish. XP
Oh! and I also painted my nails NEON GREEN!! -Sam's favorite color!-

Sunday, July 4

Independence Day~♥

So.. today I went to church as usual and studied the whole day because I wouldn't have time to study later on when I go to visit my friend, Sandra. :D

We had a BBQ part-ay!! -woohoo- We ate everything from shishkabobs to steak, to korean bbq, to corns, and potatoes, and KLONDIKE BARS!Remeber those bars!!! HAHA I rememeber when I was little and they used to drip down my hand and arm! :D I also remember the Flintstone bar! -They still sell them FYI-

So.. today was a sad day because I didn't see any fireworks!! T^T
BUT.. I'm having a sleep over at Sandra's house so everything's alright!!!
Our parents left to go to where all MORONs GO and we have just recently finished painting our nails! :D -We're sooooo glamorous!- I thank Samantha :D.

Hope everyone had a great Independence Day!!! -YAY!!- Oh!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBERT!!

Saturday, July 3


Today I went to go see Eclipse with Sam, Shantel, Vivian, Yvonne, Angel, Stephen, and Gilbert. It was sooo AWESOME!!~ The movie had so many make out scenes and some scenes weren't even in the book!♥♥ Sam and I kept turning our heads away from the screen. The funny part was that we took up almost half of the middle row and all the girls in our group including me kept squealing!! ->///<-

HAHA I loved our Twilight jokes guys!!~ Thanks for making my day!

SC:OMG! Robert Patterson's chest hair is showing!
SS:I guess now we know why his first movie was HARRY (hairy) Potter!

SS:Wanna see my pack? My six-pack!


So basically I spent the whole day at the mall today; though I WAS supposed to be studying. :D

I HATE McD at the mall. They're soo rude and soo not fast-foody. I mean seriously, McD is supposed to be a fast food restaurant yet it takes them 10 minutes to get me a refill for my iced tea. T^T

The hilight of my day was that we did a scavenger hunt at the mall! :D It was boys vs. girls and the penalty was to do the chickend dance in front of the food court!

List of things we had to find:

  • sunglasses
  • bra(40D)
  • leg warmers
  • mannequin wearing a bikini
  • twilight book
  • fat guy
  • white guy
  • bed
  • pony ride
  • war for two (game)

Obviously the girls won....but the guys were sore losers... -LOL-

So.. everyone decided to go home at about 4 because Sam and Stephen had to leave early. So while we were waiting for our rides, we looked around Claire's. they had a lot of neat stuff. I don't really like going to Claire's but today made me HATE it. So at first, we were just hanging around and trying on sunglasses. Of course, we were going to buy stuff too because it would be rude not to after we touched and looked at EVERY SINGLE THING we could get our hands on. -Shantel bought a Taylor Lautner poster! >///<- Anyways, we were all leaving the store when this worker comes up to Shantel and says "I SAW YOU SNATCH A NECKLACE FROM THE TAG!" At that moment everyone -except Sam and Stephen, because they weren't there..- turns to look at the woman. She was the rudest person I ever met! So.. obviously, Shantel didn't steal a necklace... I mean she even bought something from that store! So.. we were all like, NO WAY! BUT.. that lady was like, "I SAW -emphasis on SAW- you snatch the necklace into one of your bags!" Shantel retaliated by dumping everything she had out of her bags and still that lady thought Shantel stole it. she even called two police or security over! I'm like WTF! The lady wasn't even asking in a nice way she was ACCUSING Shantel of having stolen it. Normally, one would say "Oh! I think there's been a mistake and we need to check your bags." But this lady was like, "Let me see your bags... what's in that bag... let me check your pockets.." UGH..!! She makes me soo mad! Afterwards she took Shantel away from us and when she came back we asked Shantel what the lady talked to her about. Shantel said that the lady asked if any of US stole it! So now everyone was in a bad mood because that lady accused US too! Now, it was personal! So anyways, the lady let Shantel go without even an apology so Vivian called her dad and told her EVEYTHING! When her dad came to pick her up, he was SCORCHING MAD! We took him to the store and confronted that lady about the incident. Let me just say one thing that lady is a liar! She put on her falsetto voice -the one everyone uses when trying to act innocent- and denied accusing Shantel of stealing. When I say this I mean that she said,"Oh! NO! I just asked her if she stole it and if she dropped it anywhere because she was looking at it before..." F*** that! -sorry Vivian is rubbing off on me..- She definitely was like "YOU TOOK THE NECKLACE!" and whatnot. Anyways, we got her to apologize and left but I still hate her! NEVER GOING THERE AGAIN!

So.. now I'm at home and I'm still blazing over the incident and now I'm thinking about what to eat for dinner. :D

Wednesday, June 30


OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!! So.. much has happened since the last time I wrote!! HAHAHA I don't know where to start!! OH!! OMG!! Korea made it to the elite 8 but then lost!!!! WHY!!?? T^T
It's okay I'm still rooting for them! GO TAEGUK WARRIORS!!! Oh! and earlier on Samantha told me that Japan's game was EPIC!!~ :D

I really can't remember much because I'm writing this like after 3 whole days have passed... for those who don't know I have short term memory loss so it's really hard!! HAHA. -When I try to remember things... a crab pops into my head..- Oh! and Sam said that my head is constipated. That was funny! :D

Saturday, June 26

EH!!?? EH!!?? EH!!??~♥


There's soo much stuff going on!! AHHH!!~ and i thought summer was supposed to be carefree with no worries and just lazying about all day! Guess I was wrong... OH!! so.. It was my birthday this week!!!! YAY!! I went to Phoenix to eat! It was soo good!!
-drool drool- But.. SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!!~ It was worth it though...
I got a nail polish set from my hubby! (Samantha), a planner from Christine, and body spray from Sandra.

Sunday, June 20

The First Week of Summer~♥

AHH!!!~ I can't believe how fast the days go by! It's already been one week since school ended! So.. my weekend recap and hilights!! -BWAHAHAHAHA!-

It was my mom's birthday!!WOOHOO!! -she's so old..- Also my dad bought her cake and flowers which was really unexpected coming from him. :D Overall, it was sweet. The downside was that I had a basketball game that day at 3!!! -WAHHH!!- Of course I couldn't go... T^T.

During the course of this week, I missed 2 basketball games and 3 tryouts! -that's ALOT- I swore to myself I would go to the next one which was on Thursday. Due to my sprained ankle, I had not been excersising much so that took a toll on me when I had to run to school which is more than 1 mile away in less than 30 minutes!!! That was the hilight of my day that day! Never again will I not go a day without doing some sort of exercise.

THE MOST AWESOME PART OF THIS WEEK WAS......... LAKERS WON!!!!!! -woohoo- The whole neightborhood cheered!! Everyone gathered at the pool and had a barbecue party!!! Our family got to meet people that we didn't even know were our neighbors.

Also, that day I had to go buy a copy of the Jane Eyre book for my summer reading. -I already finished though- I'm reading it twice now. So my friends met up and we had "THE READ." That was fun guys! For some apparent reason all I remember are the words "druggist"and "pill-pusher" and the fun we had with the basketball pump! :D

I consider Saturday to be the longest day of my life ever! I woke up at 7 for basketball practice and came to the gym to find out that the doors weren't even open yet. It was horrible because only 7 people came! and one of the was not even a regular!

I got lots of congrats and presents this week!! -YAY- I was adorned and showered with lots of love and presents! THANKS GUYS! You make me feel happy to have been born! It's not my birthday yet... but still!!! THANKS! I don't know if I'm going to throw a sweet 16 birthday party or not though.... Also, birthdays from now on are going to remind me of my day with Sam that day! HAHAHA. -Lady Gaga and Rain-

Lastly, today is FATHER'S DAY!!! I went to church and the priest said to be good to my father so I am. -for today only- :D I've been really good. In fact, I even bought him a bluetooth! HAHA. See what a great daughter I am? -LOL.-

AND I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO JIN & YOU CONCERT!!! T^T... my hopes and dreams are crushed and are flying away...~~~ T^T

Sunday, June 13


OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I'm sooo hyped yet angry today!! I just found out that MIYAVI had a concert yesterday and another one today!!!! It's for his neo tokyo samurai black world tour but the tickets are ALL SOLD OUT and I can't find one anywhere!!! Plus! I have to stay at home watching my sister play in the swimming pool!!~ I WANNA GOO!!!~

On another note, I also REALLY WANNA go to JIN AKANISHI'S YOU&JIN CONCERT!!!♥♥ It's from June 19th -20th. It costs around $150!!! AGHH!! Wanna go sooo badly!!! Don't know how I'm going to get to Nokia though.... T^T ...I PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY that I can go!!~

Grrr... besides that I have nothing to do over the summer!! I wanna sign up for summer school courses but don't know where to take it.. I'd like to take a pre-calculus course but lately not a lot of schools provided pre-calculus courses over the summer. -meh~-

It's almost my birthday!!!! 8 more days to go!!! -WHEEE!~- Can't wait!! I'm hoping to get a violin because last time I just rented one and it would have been so much better just to buy one considering how much money I spent on it... >.> So, I'm constantly pressuring my parents to get me a violin or a new piano this year!! YAY!! It's going to be an awesome sweet 16!!....hopefully.... I want to invite my friends but I've never thrown a birthday party before so it'll be really boring so I'm just going to spend the whole day with my family and then go out to eat!! YUM!!~

Maybe summer isn't that bad after all!!!~ BUT... I'm still bored!!!

Saturday, June 12


OMG!!! I stayed up the whole night!!! -SOO TIRING!!!- but it was worth it!!!! I saw the match between Korea and Greece!!!! It was awesome!!! 2:0 woohoo!! I thought we were going to wake the neighbors up cheering that loudly at night!!! GOO KOREA!!!!

Friday, June 11

Last Day of School~♥

AH! I was soo tired that I forgot to write yesterday!! HAHAHA
SO it was the last day of the school year yesterday!!! YESH!!~ but it dosn't feel like it AT ALL!! So.. it was a really sad day because all the seniors were leaving and graduationg!!!
-T^T BOOHOO!!~- and.. so.. during graduation I was selling water bottles for basketballs and cried when all the seniors walked by...and it made me think how I want to hurry up and graduate. -LOL.- I'm soo sick of school!!~ HAHAHA. So afterwards, I went to the mall with my friends today!!! -YAY!!- We saw Letters to Juliet! It was a romantic comedy! At first it seemed really boring but at the end we were just like OMG! THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!! HAHAHA. So, that was yesterday, -BLEH!- and today... I was supposed to go to the movies and watch Prince of Persia but I couldn't find my phone!! T^T so I couldn't go!!!! So... the whole day I did nothing except watch tv and excersise for 2 hours! HAHAHA. Which reminds me AHHH!!! SUMMER BREAK STARTED TODAY!! HAHAHAHA ...yet I want to go back to school already... it's soo boring at home.. I think I'm going to die out of boredom!!~ Someone save me!!! T^T.

Wednesday, June 9

The Day Before the Last Day of School!~♥

YAY!! took the chem final today!! It was easier than I thought! It also helped that I actually studied everything the night before -this morning- hahahahaha!! But third period was cool today because the whole class spent it in the library. I learned how to play egyptian war!! YAY!! My reaction time is REALLY SLOW though.. T^T I couldn't tap a single time.

TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! OMG!! so excited.. hehehehe but there's still one more final to take!! -Bleh!- It's pre-caluculus and it's the class that I hate the most!!! I'm failing that class sooo badly!! I'm probably going to take it again next year...

OH!!! so again.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAHNDOO AND LILAY-MON!!!~ I love you guys!!! LOL.

A New Day~♥

AGHHH!! It's 3:12 in the morning and I'm still studying -cramming- for my chem finals!!!
-T^T- On the bright side though... It's LILAY-MON and MAHNDOO'S birthdays today!! YAY!! I love you guys!! They're soo awesome!! So.. today which was yesterday, was a REALLY BAD day.. -UGH!- I had my spanish finals and I FAILED it! It's mostly because I was studying -cramming- the night before like always and fell asleep on the day of the testing. T^T I hate myself! Also, -ramal- wouldn't clarify his tests for english!! -BLEH!- Time to start reading Jane Eyre....which I finished by the way!! :D YESH!!~ On the bright side the basketball team went swimming today for seventh period final!! SWIMMING FOR TWO HOURS!!! -woohoo- that was awesome! -...even though i didn't swim..- HAHAHA! Well... I pray that everyone will do well on their finals!! :D

Monday, June 7

Starting of a Blog..♥

Hmmm... so I started a blog!
I think it's pretty awesome soo far but some things still worry me.-stalkers- :D
To start off, I feel pretty excited~~ HOHOHO. So bear with me as I continue on with my rant of RANDOMNESS.

So.. it's finals week this week!! -Ugh.- It's such a drag. The only good thing about it is that school ends early!! YES! and June 10th is the last day of school! -WOOHOO.- I have to study for espanol and EnGlIsH. -Bleh.-

Oh! so.. today which was yesterday because it's now friends made cupcakes for me!! :D That was really sweet of them! I LOVE THEM SOO MUCH!! It was my early birthday present!! :D I couldn't ask for better friends!

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